Function: Get Video info which attached with this Course|Lecture
Source: includes/core-functions.php:573
Function: Get Video info which attached with this Course|Lecture
Source: includes/core-functions.php:573
Function: Get Lecture Video Streaming URL
Source: includes/course-functions.php:706
Function: Get WooCommerce Order with Exception Support
Source: includes/integration-functions.php:180
Function: Get wishlist courses by specific user
Source: includes/course-functions.php:555
Function: Get the withdraw method data saved by an user
Source: includes/core-functions.php:4101
Function: Get all withdrawals requested by user
Source: includes/earning-functions.php:128
Function: Check if any user has access to specific course
Source: includes/course-functions.php:749
Function: Check if an instructor has permission for dashboard permalink
Source: includes/core-functions.php:1248
Function: Check if Dozent LMS single template exists in the current theme.
Source: includes/conditional-functions.php:296
Function: Determine if a post (course | lecture) containing video
Source: includes/course-functions.php:630