dozent_get_user_social_links( null $meta_key = null, int|string|stdClass|WP_User $user_id )

Get all user social links generated by DozentLMS


Pass the specific user ID | Object to get the available social links under an user

Example usage:

$links = dozent_get_user_social_links();
$link = dozent_get_user_social_links( $link_meta_key );
$link = dozent_get_user_social_links( '_dozent_link_website' );
$links = dozent_get_user_social_links( false, $user_id );
$link = dozent_get_user_social_links( $link_meta_key, $user_id );
$link = dozent_get_user_social_links( '_dozent_link_website', $user_id );

Note: pass one key to get specific social link. If you would like to access


from the array, you must pass user on the second parameter.



(null) (Optional) Meta Key | $links array key

Default value: null


(int|string|stdClass|WP_User) (Required) User's ID, a WP_User object, or a user object from the DB.




File: includes/core-functions.php

	function dozent_get_user_social_links( $meta_key = null, $user_id = 0 ) {

		$links = [];

		$links['_dozent_link_website']   = [
			'label'        => __( 'Website', 'dozent' ),
			'placeholder'  => '',
			'icon_classes' => 'dicon-earth',
			'saved_value'  => '',
		$links['_dozent_link_facebook']  = [
			'label'        => __( 'Facebook', 'dozent' ),
			'placeholder'  => '',
			'icon_classes' => 'dicon-facebook',
			'saved_value'  => '',
		$links['_dozent_link_twitter']   = [
			'label'        => __( 'Twitter', 'dozent' ),
			'placeholder'  => '',
			'icon_classes' => 'dicon-twitter',
			'saved_value'  => '',
		$links['_dozent_link_linkedin']  = [
			'label'        => __( 'Linkedin', 'dozent' ),
			'placeholder'  => '',
			'icon_classes' => 'dicon-linkedin',
			'saved_value'  => '',
		$links['_dozent_link_instagram'] = [
			'label'        => __( 'Instagram', 'dozent' ),
			'placeholder'  => '',
			'icon_classes' => 'dicon-instagram',
			'saved_value'  => '',
		$links['_dozent_link_vk']        = [
			'label'        => __( 'VK', 'dozent' ),
			'placeholder'  => '',
			'icon_classes' => 'dicon-vk',
			'saved_value'  => '',

		$user = new WP_User( $user_id );

		if ( ! empty( $user->ID ) ) {

			foreach ( $links as $link_key => $link_value ) {

				$saved_value = get_user_meta( $user->ID, $link_key, true );

				if ( $saved_value ) {
					$links[ $link_key ]['saved_value'] = $saved_value;
				} else {
					unset( $links[ $link_key ] );


		if ( $meta_key ) {
			$link = dozent_array_get( $meta_key, $links );

			 * Filter single social link by given meta key, it will return one single array from the all available social links
			 * @since DozentLMS 1.0.0

			return apply_filters( 'dozent_get_user_social_link', $link );

		 * Filter hook to modify the output of dozent_get_user_social_links(); function
		 * @since DozentLMS 1.0.0

		return apply_filters( 'dozent_get_user_social_links', $links );


Version Description
DozentLMS 1.0.0 Introduced.