Function: Get course raw price
Source: includes/course-functions.php:215
Function: Get course raw price
Source: includes/course-functions.php:215
Filter Hook: Filter the course price from the function dozent_get_course_price();
Source: includes/course-functions.php:227
Function: Get the course formatted price.
Source: includes/course-functions.php:255
Filter Hook: Filter course price free text
Source: includes/course-functions.php:271
Filter Hook: Filter the course formatted price
Source: includes/course-functions.php:283
Function: Determine if enrolled to a course
Source: includes/course-functions.php:311
Function: Enrol an user to a specific course by given course_id | Course Object
Source: includes/course-functions.php:346
Filter Hook: Filter enrolment status which return by the dozent_enrol_course(); function
Source: includes/course-functions.php:368
Function: Return Enrolment class instance
Source: includes/course-functions.php:389
Function: Check course attached product type
Source: includes/course-functions.php:431