Filter Hook: Filter Dozent Table Columns from the function dozent_html_table()
Source: includes/template-functions.php:2504
Filter Hook: Filter Dozent Table Columns from the function dozent_html_table()
Source: includes/template-functions.php:2504
Filter Hook: Filter dozent_html_table() cell data
Source: includes/template-functions.php:2538
Filter Hook: Filter dozent_html_table() cell data
Source: includes/template-functions.php:2552
Filter Hook: Filter Dozent Table HTML output returns by function dozent_html_table()
Source: includes/template-functions.php:2585
Filter Hook: Filter Dozent Table HTML output returns by function dozent_html_table()
Source: includes/template-functions.php:2601
Function: Render Video attached to course or lecture
Source: includes/template-functions.php:2627
Function: Wrap the content with expandable area
Source: includes/template-functions.php:1824
Filter Hook: Filter the wrap content of dozent_expand_wrap() function data
Source: includes/template-functions.php:1842
Function: Function which let you hassle free string class from the class or array
Source: includes/template-functions.php:1876
Filter Hook: Filter class which passed by dozent_html_class() function
Source: includes/template-functions.php:1891