Function: Update Dozent Options
Source: includes/core-functions.php:203
Function: Update Dozent Options
Source: includes/core-functions.php:203
Function: Determine if passed value is an array, if array, count that array, compatible with php > 7
Source: includes/core-functions.php:244
Function: Determine if the application is in debug mode
Source: includes/core-functions.php:270
Function: Get all course levels available in the Dozent LMS
Source: includes/core-functions.php:294
Filter Hook: Filter the course levels
Source: includes/core-functions.php:304
Function: Get quizzes by course
Source: includes/quiz-functions.php:624
Filter Hook: Filter the default quizzes status for Count course including {post_status}
Source: includes/quiz-functions.php:661
Function: Check if a plugin is activated
Source: includes/core-functions.php:31
Function: Return array value by given key, Get array key by dot notation
Source: includes/core-functions.php:73
Function: Get all of the given array except for a specified array of keys.
Source: includes/core-functions.php:105