Filter Hook: Filter the course price from the function dozent_get_course_price();
Source: includes/course-functions.php:227
Filter Hook: Filter the course price from the function dozent_get_course_price();
Source: includes/course-functions.php:227
Filter Hook: Filter the out of dozent_get_course_price_type(); function
Source: includes/course-functions.php:112
Filter Hook: Filters the course requirements data
Source: includes/core-functions.php:3593
Filter Hook: Filters to filter course requirements
Source: includes/core-functions.php:3641
Filter Hook: Filter the default query parameter of dozent_get_course_reviews();
Source: includes/core-functions.php:3222
Filter Hook: Filters the course target_audience data
Source: includes/core-functions.php:3689
Filter Hook: Filters to filter course target_audience
Source: includes/core-functions.php:3738
Filter Hook: Filter the return of dozent_get_courses_by_instructor() function
Source: includes/user-functions.php:695
Filter Hook: Filter dozent current page URL
Source: includes/core-functions.php:4368
Filter Hook: Filter single date time property name
Source: includes/core-functions.php:4525