Action Hook: Course Ratings and reviews section
Source: templates/single/course/ratings_and_reviews.php:24
Action Hook: Course Ratings and reviews section
Source: templates/single/course/ratings_and_reviews.php:24
Action Hook: Reset Password
Source: templates/dashboard/settings/reset-password.php:27
Filter Hook: Filter the reviews which generated and located partial/reviews.php
Source: includes/template-functions.php:1999
Filter Hook: Filter default allowed tags for the function dozent_sanitize_html_allowed_tags();
Source: includes/core-functions.php:4619
Filter Hook: Filters the list of selling platforms available on the DozentLMS.
Source: includes/core-functions.php:3412
Filter Hook: Should Load Template Override Integration for specially for oxygen builder If we found false of below filter, then we will not use this file
Source: classes/Template.php:17
Filter Hook: Filter dozent_show_per_page() output
Source: includes/core-functions.php:2675
Filter Hook: Filter by level
Source: classes/Template.php:214
Filter Hook: Filter the logo ID
Source: includes/core-functions.php:2643
Filter Hook: Filter stat box HTML data
Source: includes/template-functions.php:2403