Function: Count all attempts by course
Source: includes/quiz-functions.php:380
Function: Count all attempts by course
Source: includes/quiz-functions.php:380
Function: Count all attempts by Quiz
Source: includes/quiz-functions.php:412
Function: Generate custom avatar for dozent resources
Source: includes/user-functions.php:28
Function: Get course object (post object) from the loop of course | lecture | quiz | assignemnts or by given course ID | lecture ID | quiz ID | assignment ID
Source: includes/course-functions.php:142
Function: Get the DozentLMS course archive URL
Source: includes/core-functions.php:3363
Function: Get the course author by course | post | global post | post object
Source: includes/core-functions.php:4289
Function: Return the course benefits which belongs with _benefits meta with the course
Source: includes/core-functions.php:3477
Function: Return course benefits as array, it will convert every line to array elements
Source: includes/core-functions.php:3520
Function: Get course categories by course id
Source: includes/template-functions.php:2835
Function: Get DozentLMS categories in dropdown
Source: includes/template-functions.php:2705