Function: Get all instructor attached in a course
Source: includes/user-functions.php:450
Function: Get all instructor attached in a course
Source: includes/user-functions.php:450
Filter Hook: Filter the dozent_get_attached_instructors_ids(); function outout
Source: includes/user-functions.php:521
Function: Get the all instructor ID in an array by a specific course
Source: includes/user-functions.php:502
Function: Generate custom avatar for dozent resources
Source: includes/user-functions.php:28
Function: Check if an instructor attached with a course
Source: includes/user-functions.php:413
Action Hook: Action hook after detach an instructor from a course
Source: includes/user-functions.php:383
Action Hook: Action hook before detach an instructor from a course
Source: includes/user-functions.php:370
Function: Detach / delete an instructor from the course instructors list.
Source: includes/user-functions.php:350
Action Hook: Action hook after attach an instructor to a specific course
Source: includes/user-functions.php:317
Action Hook: Action hook before attach an instructor to a specific course
Source: includes/user-functions.php:299