Function: Return total lectures from a course in the loop course card
Source: includes/template-functions.php:1448
Function: Return total lectures from a course in the loop course card
Source: includes/template-functions.php:1448
Function: ehco the course thumbnail
Source: includes/template-functions.php:1260
Function: Course thumbnail within the loop
Source: includes/template-functions.php:1191
Function: Course detail start
Source: includes/template-functions.php:1205
Function: Course loop details end
Source: includes/template-functions.php:1219
Function: Course Loop detail
Source: includes/template-functions.php:1234
Function: Get the course thumbnail
Source: includes/template-functions.php:1287
Function: Show course author meta
Source: includes/template-functions.php:1329
Function: Dozent Course Title
Source: includes/template-functions.php:1358
Function: Show the post excerpt at course card within the loop
Source: includes/template-functions.php:1388