Function: Course Access Gate
Source: includes/template-functions.php:2350
Function: Course Access Gate
Source: includes/template-functions.php:2350
Filter Hook: Filter the course Access gate, usually its button wrap
Source: includes/template-functions.php:2362
Function: Dashboard stats box | card which contains a short summery of data.
Source: includes/template-functions.php:2390
Filter Hook: Filter stat box HTML data
Source: includes/template-functions.php:2403
Function: Post Type Icon generating function
Source: includes/template-functions.php:2429
Source: includes/template-functions.php:2467
Filter Hook: Filter Dozent Table Columns from the function dozent_html_table()
Source: includes/template-functions.php:2488
Filter Hook: Filter Dozent Table Columns from the function dozent_html_table()
Source: includes/template-functions.php:2504
Filter Hook: Filter dozent_html_table() cell data
Source: includes/template-functions.php:2538
Filter Hook: Filter dozent_html_table() cell data
Source: includes/template-functions.php:2552