Filter Hook: Filter the return of dozent_get_courses_by_instructor() function
Source: includes/quiz-functions.php:696
Filter Hook: Filter the return of dozent_get_courses_by_instructor() function
Source: includes/quiz-functions.php:696
Filter Hook: Filter the default quizzes status for Count course including {post_status}
Source: includes/quiz-functions.php:661
Function: Get quizzes by course
Source: includes/quiz-functions.php:624
Function: Get quiz attempts
Source: includes/quiz-functions.php:290
Filter Hook: Filter output returns by dozent_attempt_statuses();
Source: includes/quiz-functions.php:585
Function: Get all attempt statuses or any single status text retrieve by status key
Source: includes/quiz-functions.php:552
Function: Get all correct questions options
Source: includes/quiz-functions.php:517
Function: Get the answers placed by a user on the quiz attempt
Source: includes/quiz-functions.php:448
Function: Count all attempts by Quiz
Source: includes/quiz-functions.php:412
Function: Count all attempts by course
Source: includes/quiz-functions.php:380