Function: Get the course formatted price.
Source: includes/course-functions.php:255
Function: Get the course formatted price.
Source: includes/course-functions.php:255
Filter Hook: Filter the course price from the function dozent_get_course_price();
Source: includes/course-functions.php:227
Function: Get course raw price
Source: includes/course-functions.php:215
Function: Get dozent Course Post Object
Source: includes/course-functions.php:167
Function: Get course object (post object) from the loop of course | lecture | quiz | assignemnts or by given course ID | lecture ID | quiz ID | assignment ID
Source: includes/course-functions.php:142
Filter Hook: Filter the out of dozent_get_course_price_type(); function
Source: includes/course-functions.php:112
Filter Hook: Filter the default course price type, return when price type is not set at the course.
Source: includes/course-functions.php:94
Function: Get the course price type,
Source: includes/course-functions.php:74
Filter Hook: Dozent Course Functions
Source: includes/course-functions.php:48