Filter Hook: Filter the default return value of dozent_has_single_template_in_theme() function
Source: includes/conditional-functions.php:316
Filter Hook: Filter the default return value of dozent_has_single_template_in_theme() function
Source: includes/conditional-functions.php:316
Filter Hook: Filter the return value of dozent_course_is_closed(); function
Source: includes/conditional-functions.php:586
Function: Determine if a course is closed
Source: includes/conditional-functions.php:573
Filter Hook: Filter the return value of dozent_course_is_free(); function
Source: includes/conditional-functions.php:546
Function: Determine if a course is free
Source: includes/conditional-functions.php:533
Filter Hook: Filter the return value of dozent_course_is_protected(); function
Source: includes/conditional-functions.php:507
Function: Determine if a course is protected
Source: includes/conditional-functions.php:492
Filter Hook: Filter the return value of dozent_course_is_public(); function
Source: includes/conditional-functions.php:466
Function: Determine if a course is publicly accessible
Source: includes/conditional-functions.php:453
Function: Determines whether the query is for an existing dozent user profile page.
Source: includes/conditional-functions.php:422