

File: Model/Enrol.php

class Enrol extends Model {

	protected $table = 'dozent_enrols';

	public $ID;
	public $course_id;
	public $user_id;
	public $course_price;
	public $order_id;
	public $order_by_product_id;
	public $status = 'pending';
	public $created_at;
	public $expired_at;

	 * Do the enrolment of the course
	 * long description
	 * Example usage:
	 *     $enrolment = dozent_enrolment();
	 *     $enrolment->course_id = $course_id;
	 *     $enrolment->user_id = $user_id;
	 *     $enrolment->do_enrol();
	 * @since DozentLMS 1.0.0

	public function do_enrol() {

		do_action( 'dozent_enrolment_before' );

		$is_enrolled = $this->save();

		do_action( 'dozent_enrolment_after', $is_enrolled );

	 * Update Enrolment status
	 * @since DozentLMS 1.0.0
	 * @param $new_status

	public function update_status( $new_status ) {
		$old_status = $this->status;

		if ( $old_status !== $new_status ) {
			$this->status = $new_status;


			 * Action hook to after update enrolment status
			 * @since DozentLMS v.1.0.0
			 * @param  int  $ID  enrolment ID
			 * @param  string  $old_status  Current status of this enrolment
			 * @param  string  $new_status  New Enrolment Status
			 * @param  object  $this  Current enrolment data as model object

			do_action( 'dozent_enrolment_status_updated', $this->ID, $old_status, $new_status, $this );

